The words that you say really do influence your life outcomes. At the very smallest source of ourselves we are a blip of energy. That energy changes with our words.

Article By

Monica Moore

Monica Moore

Monica Moore is a dynamic award-winning international speaker, award-winning author and a coach. She is experienced in digital and live presentations. Monica is the current President of the Professional Speakers Association of New Zealand.

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The words that you say really do influence your life outcomes. At the very smallest source of ourselves we are a blip of energy. That energy changes with our words.
This is a simple model for using for yourself and within a work team. It helps to understand the perspective of others and that of your own.
It works!

  1. Name It:
    Find a word that best expresses how you are feeling about a certain situation
  2. Claim It:
    Own everything that you thought, said and did in that situation from a helicopter view
  3. Frame It:
    Frame how you could do this better in the future using SELF BELIEF and your VALUES at the core of the situation

If you are working in a team:

Then the rules are: each participant shares their word, what they did (claim it) and what you could do in the future (frame it). Each person learns to take responsibility in sharing their perspective. It helps to get to know more about each person in your team and it certainly improves CULTURE and PRODUCTIVITY.

If you are doing this for your own personal evolution:

Apply this to yourself. Write it down. Learn to move forward by changing your approach through your words. There is more about this in my book “Buy the Damn Dress”.

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The words that you say really do influence your life outcomes. At the very smallest source of ourselves we are a blip of energy. That energy changes with our words.

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