The Narrative Template Tool for Successful Workplace Culture

By creating clear narrative templates that are conducive to positive outcomes you are highly likely to improve workplace connectivity and productivity. When you have the right words and phrases in action you are highly likely to experience high level productivity.

Article By

Monica Moore

Monica Moore

Monica Moore is a dynamic award-winning international speaker, award-winning author and a coach. She is experienced in digital and live presentations. Monica is the current President of the Professional Speakers Association of New Zealand.

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By creating clear narrative templates that are conducive to positive outcomes you are highly likely to improve workplace connectivity and productivity. When you have the right words and phrases in action you are highly likely to experience high level productivity. Using these templates helps leaders work more effectively with their colleagues through clear communication.

It is therefore important to have narrative guidelines; in other words a template to conduct positive conversations for a positive culture. Once you have them, you can adapt and grow them for multiple situations.

  1. Communicate with agreement
    This is where you say what you agree with or understand about the other person’s response. It is important. Everyone needs validation. It doesn’t matter if it’s minor, you need to have something. Even if it’s generic like this:
    “I understand where you are coming from..”
  2. Validate through authentic and specific praise
    Take a step further and specify the other person’s input. This validation is another step in the process of creating commonality and commonality is key, like this: I like your concept because it will work well for our clients
  3. Clearly and factually state your points
    By taking the emotion out of the situation (overwhelm, pressured etc) it is possible for both parties to look at the situation from a position of equanimity, like this:
    “These are the current priorities…”
  4. Provide a solution for discussion
    This is where you make a place for the idea or provide ideas for different ideas with specific times and reasons, Like this:
    “If we do this (set date) then it will work better because…”

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